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5:00 PM  (CET) 2 March 2021. Prof. Dr CLAUS LÄMMERZAHL (University of Bremen)


Thank you for your interest in our research. Get in touch with us for any questions or comments regarding research in the interface of quantum mechanics, field theory and gravity.


5:00 PM  (CET) 2 March 2021. Prof. Dr CLAUS LÄMMERZAHL (University of Bremen)

Title:     Cold Atoms in Microgravity - The advantage of Free Fall for Fundamental Physics


Abstract:   The first part of the talk is about the microgravity environment. We are discussing reasons for doing experiments in space and in microgravity. The corresponding discussion is about the science case, the benefit from microgravity, and the technological challenges. After this more general discussion, the second talk describes microgravity experiments with cold atoms carried through in the drop tower Bremen, in sounding rockets and also experiments planned for the ISS. 

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